今天的题目是Add and Search Word - Data structure design:
一道字典树的题目,如果知道字典树是怎样的话,应该不难做。不过这道题直接套字典树是不行的,因为它需要支持 .
1class TrieNode{2
3public:4 char c;5 vector<TrieNode*> childs;6 bool flag;7 TrieNode(char _c):c(_c),childs(26, nullptr),flag(false) {8 }9 TrieNode *addChild(char c) {10 if (childs[c - 'a']) return childs[c - 'a'];11 else return childs[c - 'a'] = new TrieNode(c);12 }13};14
15class WordDictionary {46 collapsed lines
16 TrieNode *root;17public:18 /** Initialize your data structure here. */19 WordDictionary():root(new TrieNode('?')) {20
21 }22
23 /** Adds a word into the data structure. */24 void addWord(string word) {25 //cout << "Add " << word << endl;26 TrieNode *p = root;27 for(auto c: word) {28 p = p->addChild(c);29 }30 p->flag = true;31 }32
33 /** Returns if the word is in the data structure. A word could contain the dot character '.' to represent any one letter. */34 bool search(string word) {35 // cout << "Search " << word << endl;36 queue<TrieNode *> q;37 q.push(root);38 for(auto c: word) {39 if (q.empty()) return false;40 // cout << c << " ";41 if (c == '.') {42 for(int i = 0,size = q.size();i < size; i++) {43 TrieNode *p = q.front(); q.pop();44 for(int j = 0;j < 26;j++) {45 if (p->childs[j]) q.push(p->childs[j]);46 }47 }48 } else {49 for(int i = 0,size = q.size();i < size; i++) {50 TrieNode *p = q.front(); q.pop();51 if (p->childs[c - 'a']) q.push(p->childs[c - 'a']);52 }53 }54 }55 while(!q.empty()) {56 if (q.front()->flag) return true;57 q.pop();58 }59 return false;60 }61};